CBD vs Marijuana: What’s the Difference?

The cannabis plant has been around for a long time, and in that time we have discovered many different uses for it. From CBD oil, to THC, and even hemp; the plant comes in many different strains with unique properties. But what exactly is the difference between CBD vs marijuana?

Cannabis is made up of over 100 different chemical compounds known as cannabinoids. Two of the most well-known are Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD). Both THC and CBD are found in almost all strains of cannabis, although they tend to have very different effects on users. Understanding the differences between CBD vs marijuana can help you make an informed decision if you’re interested in trying either strain out for yourself!

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the most common cannabinoids found in cannabis. It can be extracted from both hemp and marijuana plants, although it is more commonly extracted from hemp. CBD has many potential health benefits, and can be used to treat a wide variety of conditions.

CBD can be used for pain relief, as a sleep aid, as an anti-inflammatory, and more. CBD is a non-psychoactive substance, meaning it doesn’t get you “high” like THC does. While many people like CBD for its wide range of uses, others prefer it because it is less likely to cause side effects.

CBD can be purchased in many different forms including; rolls, oils, gummies, tinctures, edibles, sprays, and more. There are also many different CBD products out there. It is important to note that CBD is still a controlled substance in many parts of the world. And it may not be the best option for everyone, as some people do experience side effects.

What is Marijuana?

Marijuana is another common cannabinoid found in cannabis plants. It can be extracted from marijuana plants, although it is more commonly extracted from marijuana. Marijuana has a wide range of potential health benefits, and can be used as a pain reliever, to lower anxiety, and more.

Marijuana is a psychoactive substance, meaning it gets you high. Marijuana is most commonly used through smoking, although it can also be eaten, vaporized, and more. In addition to a wide range of potential health benefits, marijuana has a strong taste and smell. And because of its psychoactive properties, some people may be more likely to experience negative side effects, such as anxiety, paranoia, mood swings, and more.

How are CBD and Marijuana Different?

Because CBD and marijuana come from the same plant, there are many similarities between the two. Both CBD and marijuana may be used to treat a wide range of conditions. But some of the major differences between CBD and marijuana come down to their uses, and their potential side effects.

Marijuana is much more likely to cause side effects than CBD, including anxiety, paranoia, mood swings, and more. There are also many CBD products, making it less likely to cause side effects than marijuana.

The Similarities Between CBD and Marijuana

There are many similarities between CBD and marijuana. CBD and marijuana come from the same plant, and can be used to create many CBD products. There are also some differences between CBD and marijuana, including their uses, potential side effects, and legal statuses. Both CBD and marijuana are extracted from cannabis plants.

Where Can You Find CBD and Marijuana?

Both cannabis compounds can be found in many different CBD products, including oils, gummies, tinctures, edibles, sprays, and more. Both CBD and marijuana are found in almost all strains of cannabis, making it possible to find them almost anywhere. However, the exact levels of CBD and THC vary depending on the strain of cannabis.

CBD and marijuana can be found almost anywhere. Both cannabis compounds are found in almost all strains of cannabis, making it possible to find them almost anywhere. Most health and beauty stores sell CBD products, and many online shops sell CBD products as well.

Final Words

CBD and marijuana are both found in almost all strains of cannabis, making it possible to find both cannabis compounds almost anywhere. Both cannabis compounds can be used to treat a wide range of conditions, from pain to anxiety. And both are extracted from cannabis plants. Whether you are just looking for a high or want to experience the benefits both CBD and marijuana products could be right for you.

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